Send Invoices Worldwide
Get paid with lowest fees starting just from 0.5%
A platform for Freelancers to accept payment from customers from any country and Businesses that need to pay remote employees, permanent contractors or Freelancers worldwide legally.
Platform for Freelancers and Businesses
Hire, relocate your staff to EU or pay your staff legally wherever your company or freelancers located
A service for freelancers to accept payment from customers from any country and get paid in local currency 
You receive payment in whatever currency you prefer. We convert the payment at the market rate and send it to your card
How InvcoieCall Works For Freelancers
You send invoice, once invoice is paid we convert the payment at the market rate and send it to your card.
Send Invoice
Start invoicing without registering a company and get paid in your local country
Getting Paid
Once invoices paid you can submit info to your tax authority - everything is legal
Compliance with Western law is our responsibility, our KYC/AML is fast and easy process
Our contacts
Phone: +37066464519
Email: [email protected]
MB Kochubey & Co 306223372
Lithuania, Vilnius, Vytenio Str. 18
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